<% @ Language="JScript" %> <% Server.Execute("/Server_Scripts/UpdateEntryCounter.asp"); %> eQuate Version 3.0




eQuate Version 3.0

Now Even Easier to Administer and Distribute

KMSYS Worldwide is pleased to announce the release of eQuate, Version 3.0, an all-inclusive development package that allows the creation of Windows applications interacting with existing or new host software.

This newest KMSYS Worldwide release makes the rollout of eQuate applications simpler than ever.  As often is the case, a customer suggested an improvement that we have since implemented.  In this case, the customer wanted the end user to be able to execute the eQuate Session Manager (the component that makes eQuate applications available to the users) from a file server and not have to install any software on the user's PC.  We decided to take this one step further and give the eQuate Administrator the ability to easily publish eQuate applications from local design platforms to a shared production file server.  This "publish" feature means that the administrator never has to copy any files manually or even install eQuate on the file server.

When the eQuate Applications Developer has designed and tested one or more eQuate applications and has decided to place them into production, the eQuate Administrator will publish the eQuate application databases (run-time files only) to a shared file server.  In addition, the publish function will also copy any run-time programs, scripts, connection configurations and a net users setup program. 

Each net user will run the setup program one time.  The setup program will place an eQuate Session Manager icon on the user's desktop or Windows taskbar that points to the published files on the server.  Each time the end user runs the eQuate Session Manager, it is executed from the file server.  All eQuate run-time files are also accessed from the server.

Another advantage to the net user setup and publish functions is that software updates are transparent and are made available without any user interaction.

If you would like to see more information about eQuate, please visit the eQuate page.  On the eQuate web page there are also links to obtain free evaluation software and view an eQuate demonstration.  To contact an account representative, please call (770) 635-6350 or email sales@kmsys.com.




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